


If you’ve noticed your lashes thinning over the years, it may be time to open your eyes to a beautiful solution.  Latisse® (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution) 0.03% is a prescription treatment for hypotrichosis (inadequate or not enough lashes) to grow eyelashes longer, fuller, darker.

Latisse® can more than double lash fullness in just 16 weeks. As treatment progresses, you’ll see changes in length. You’ll gradually notice more thickness and darkness in your lashes. If you’re satisfied with your results by week 8, stick with the treatment. After week 16, you’ll see the full effect — and so will others. After that, you can talk to your doctor about ongoing use.

If you use prescription products for eye pressure or other eye problems, use Latisse® under doctor care. Latisse® may cause increased brown pigmentation of the colored part of the eye which is likely permanent. Eyelid skin darkening may occur and may be reversible. Only apply at the base of upper lashes. Do not apply to lower lid. Hair may grow on skin that Latisse® frequently touches. Common side effects are itchy and red eyes. If discontinued, lashes gradually return to previous appearance.

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    Bldg 300, Ste 300
    Atlanta, GA 30339